It was Isaac Newton who stated that if he saw further than others, it was because he stood on the shoulders of Giants. This quote could not be more relevant today. Foresight will be decisive for businesses, societies and humanity as a whole in times of exponential change, ever increasing innovation power, uncertainty, but also huge opportunities.
Receiving a glimpse of what may come from those who work at the frontiers of emerging technologies, could prove to be the game-changing competitive advantage that everybody seeks. This is what Pallas Gathering is all about.
Our 4 pillars serve as the building blocks to tackle a number of the most pressing questions about the short- and mid-term future of our species in depth. In the Pallas Gathering 2022 edition, we will deep dive into the areas of leadership, learning & mindset, sustainability as well as intrapreneurship & entrepreneurship and look at how the constant increase of technological innovation speed affects all of these areas. We will discuss and explore the latest trends and inventions in these fields, showcase global best-practice models and offer ideas on how to deal and prepare for rapid change and industry wide disruptions. And ultimately, we will ask, what does that mean for us as human beings and how do we want to proceed from here.
Our Gathering is about high engagement. Through a mixture of captivating and inspiring Key-Note presentations, intercultural and interdisciplinary debates, interactive workshops, cozy and intimate fire-side chats, innovative networking concepts, exciting showroom-formats and relaxing streaming and chill-out areas, we ensure a culmination of various kinds: fun interaction with others, uplifting insights and perspectives, exposure to the latest inventions and a sneak-preview into what’s about to come.
Physiker, Astronom, Wissenschaftsphilosoph, Bestselling Autor, TV-Moderator und Professor
A conference alone is never enough. Together with all experts, we will craft an impact paper that encapsulates the core ideas, messages and beliefs shared during the gathering.
Each attendant, partner-company, association and federation involved in the gathering will receive this impact paper afterwards. It aims to serve as an inspiration and anchor of insight and perspective until we all gather again to dive even deeper into our quest for a compelling future.
It’s always about the people, their energy, their drive and the resulting atmosphere. We want to ensure that all attendees, speaker & experts as well as partners have an incredible experience and thoroughly enjoy this Gathering. In order to achieve that objective, we need a strong team transporting the young and dynamic Pallas spirit.
Should you find the topics, the experts, the cause and the Gathering as a whole inspiring and would like to join our team (during the Gathering days or for a longer time period), please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly. We are looking forward to making this event a memorable experience with you.